Monday, September 26, 2016

Projects Recap of Week 6 and Looking Forward to Week 7

Hello all!

Last week we finished the Body Systems unit with an assessment. We also did a mini-unit exploring how photosynthesis contributes to the flow of energy and cycling of matter. We used energy pyramids to help us access this concept. At the end of the week, students wrote a paragraph to explain this concept.

This week, we are starting a new unit on Ecosystems which we will continue until the end of the quarter. In this unit, we will be exploring how biotic and abiotic (ask your students what these mean, they should be able to tell you!) factors interact in an ecosystem to maintain homeostasis (a fancy word for balance or harmony). Students will ultimately work in a group to research an endangered species and present a plan of action for how to save that species in a way that is sustainable.* Students will take on the role of zoologist, ecologist, or conservationist. I think this is a great project that will be extremely informative for both me and the students, and I hope for you as well!

Also, I updated Infinite Campus with the students' Body Systems Assessment grade as well as their Peer Assessment grade for that same project. I will be grading their projects this week, and I will let you know when those grades are completed and entered into the computer.

Thank you for the support you provide your students! They are a joy to teach!

*For any parents concerned about this project, I want to reassure you that I am of the opinion that the land is meant to be stewarded and its resources used and taken care of. So, when I teach students about conservation, it will be from the perspective that it is the job of humanity to be responsible with natural resources so that we can both benefit from the land and also protect it and those other species native to it. I know "conservation" is a hot button topic, but it is important for students to learn about the importance of caring for our world, hence the "sustainable" methods for saving their species of choice. Please let me know if you have questions or concerns!

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