Math Syllabus

2016-2017 Math Syllabus
Teacher: Mrs. Weed
Phone Number:  (775) 666-7760

Class Description: The brilliant mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) said, “If others would but reflect on mathematical truths as deeply and continuously as I have, they would make my discoveries.” The best way to grasp mathematical concepts is to dedicate time and thought power to learning them. We want our students to have the best opportunities to practice and master the math we will be studying. For this reason, we are approaching this school year with a new learning strategy called  “Flipping the Classroom.” Students will learn the lesson at home, and work on homework in class.

Homework: Students will have 20 minutes of math homework each night which will be given through the Ted ED website (we will make you an account together in class). Homework will consist of a 10 minute video giving a simple lesson. You will then answer 4 or 5 questions to gage your level of understanding and prepare you for class the following day. Come to class the next day with specific questions or areas you know you need help with.

Class Work: Practice, Practice, Practice! We will provide a chapter calendar at the beginning of each chapter. This lists the work I expect students to complete each day in class. If students bring home more work than the 20 minutes on Ted Ed, it is because they weren’t effectively using their time in class. All assignments are due at the end of the chapter calendar, which will be the same day as the chapter test.

  • Tests:…………………………………………………………………………………………... 40%
  • Quizzes:......................................................................................................................... 20%
  • Book Work:………………………………………………………………………………….... 15%
  • Computer Work:………………………………………………………………………...……. 25%
(Classwork will be graded randomly: 2 computer assignments a week, 2 book assignments a chapter).

Login Info to Remember:

  • Ted Ed:

  • Khan Academy:
Username ____________________________
Password _________weed2016___________

  • IXL:


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